Monday, March 1, 2010

A Purl Of Wisdom: Swatch What You Say

I should know better than to open my big bazoo about certain things I think or feel. I'm a believer in "watch what you say or it might come back to bite you in the butt". Such is true in the world of least it is for me.

I've been known to spout off on more than an occasion or two about how much I dislike knitting gauge swatches. I think it just wastes valuable fun time knitting the actual project at hand. But I will knit a swatch if somewhere in my head there's doubt. I didn't have doubt this time.


This past week I started knitting stuff for a small layette for my sister's baby. She's due in June. I figure this will give me enough time to knit up some cute little things and get them sent off to her in Texas. (I have to keep reminding myself that where she lives is a sauna in sweltering heat come bout April...and I'm sitting here in Massachusetts up to my neck in snow and sub freezing she really has no need for to head to toe merino wool).

Again - anyway.

I'm ticking right along on a little sweater and some knitted Mary Jane's for her to be able to use come the fall. The projects are simple in the knitting and fun to do. About half way through the sweater I decided to measure and see where it sits gauge-wise. Big. Way, WAY BIG. And of course I didn't knit a swatch prior to starting the sweater. So "a frogging I will go". Dang it all.

Me and my big mouth.

Have a knit pickin' good day ya'll.

1 comment:

  1. So "a frogging I will go". Oh, that's a song I've sung all too often, Kathleen...LOL! I hardly every knit gauge swatches either until the past 1 1/2 yrs and knitting for my sister's baby--many an item frogged for not checking gauge sooner. So now I do the swatches--not much fun, but needs must... hahaha... LOVE this wool you're working with, gorgeous color. And what happy news about your sister expecting--you'll be an auntie soon! :o) Happy Knitting ((HUGS))
