Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Knit Pickin' - I've Been Busy

I've not posted much this past week as I have opted to be busy with various projects I've had in the works.

I finished my 'Providence Rose Garden' granny afghan a few days ago. It's so good to FIIIIIINALLY have this completed. In this last month or so, every time I thought I'd be able to sit and finish, something else would come along to take me away from it and then it would be days before I could get back to it.

This past week I've been bogged down with some sort of cold/flu like crud that sweetie brought home over the 4th of July holiday. It hit him hard that following week and then I got it this past week. In the throngs of coughing and feeling pretty crappy, and in between reading all your lovely blogs out there, I've managed to finish the afghan and work on a couple of other projects too.

So here's the afghan. Will be showing you what else is in the works in the next few days. Am working hard to get stuff ready to be put up for sale this coming fall in addition to doing things for my own house too, i.e. the afghan for an old rocker that sits in my dining room. Have some knitted throw pillows in the works for various places around the house too. Have taken on some entrelac knitting and thoroughly enjoying that. Been crocheting like crazy too...and doing some embroidery...and designing a doll or two.


There's lots of stuff to keep me busy for the summer and lots of stuff to show you as it goes along.

Hope ya'll are having a fab summer week. It's raining here...AGAIN. A good day to sit and knit. Certainly not gonna get out and about in this weather with the crud I have. Napping and crafty stuff as I feel up to it are about all that's on my agenda for today.

See you soon. Have a knit pickin' good rest of the day ya'll!!!

Addendum to today's post: I would VERY much like to be able to give you better photos than what I have been, but as the case may be - I don't have a real live camera to do the deed with. I have to rely on my phone to take pics for now. A nice digital camera is on my wish list - hopefully for Christmas. My good cameras were something that went when I broke down and sold nearly ALL of my worldly possessions a couple of years ago, and until now, haven't really had a need for another. So, please pardon the dull, unclear, lack of detail photos until I can rectify the situation. The afghan you see here has a scalloped edge, but you CANNOT see it well in these photos.

1 comment:

  1. Your afgahan is gorgeous!! You must have so much patience to keep going with making all of those squares! Lovely colours too. I like the potholders, is there a pattern for them or do you just make them up as you go?
    Indigo blue
