Friday, July 24, 2009

Knit Pickin' - Pillow Talk

The last year and a half of my life has been about starting over...and starting over in every way imaginable. One of those ways is putting a household together completely from scratch.

So while doing all the things necessary like getting the basics to set up housekeeping, there's also the little things that add to the aesthetic quality of making a house a home. I yard sale, shop thrift stores and the like, and make stuff, etc. We are also currently renovating an old Cape Cod style home we acquired last fall. All this has been quite the task and quite the adventure, to put it mildly. But it has been great fun and it all has been like working with a blank canvas to create the living environment most conducive to and most comfortable for our current lifestyle.

It is true the old saying: "It's the little things that make a house a home". So one of my latest projects to 'home-ify' my house is knitted throw pillows. I got the idea from Morehouse Farm. Margrit Lohrer who runs a Merino sheep farm for her fabulous knitting yarns in upstate New York, and who knits like a banshee, has made some beautiful knitted throw pillows through the years and that's where I got the inspiration to do some for my house.

I'm starting with just simple, basic stockinette stitch to showcase the colors I've chosen for a pillow or two. Then I will move on to some more elaborate stuff like cables and some entrelac. Right now the most basic of knitting techniques is great fun - simple and mindless in the work. I'm currently working on a seat cushion done in entrelac and it has been a challenge finding a tutorial dumbed down enough for me to get the hang of it. But I finally figured it out and it is going swimmingly. But it does require quite a bit of 'paying attention' to what I'm doing at the moment, so it's nice to put it down and go to the stockinette stitch for a while. Doesn't make my brain hurt so much.

I have so many different kinds of projects in the works that it's nice to take a break from one thing and go to something completely different, i.e. going from knitting to embroidery, or crochet to quilting. Keeps my fingers nimble and my mind sharp as it can possibly be at this age now. My mind is mush most of the time these days, which really ain't such a bad thing either when I think about it. I can just play dumb to a lot of things and get away with a lot! Getting old does have it's advantages!! Not that I think I'm truly old. It's just nice to be able to use it as an excuse occasionally when there's things I 'might' need an excuse for. So, it keeps me out of trouble. Just so long as I "tend to my own knittin' ", I'm OK.

Have a knit pickin' good weekend ya'll !!

1 comment:

  1. I love that knitting has made such a big comeback, and I love the pics showing progress of this piece. The Cape Cod style house sounds so nice.
